During our recent Toolin' Around Two Husqvarna Viking Event, Katrina Walker demonstrated wonderful uses for the
Marking Foot, that can also be called the Fringe Foot.
This foot has a couple of different names because of its many uses. Many of you may already know that this foot is useful for transferring pattern markings (like those markings for darts) to your fabric. The magic of this foot is that it creates a wonderful loopy stitch that stays where you want until you pull the bobbin thread to easily remove it. So your pattern markings stay in until you simply pull one thread to remove; no carbon paper or other manual processes to transfer markings.
But the Marking Foot doesn't stop there. It becomes the
Fringe Foot when you decide you'd like to add special embellishments or fringe to your project. During her Toolin' Around Two Event, sewing expert, Katrina Walker, wore a lovely jacket demonstrating the beauty and originality the Marking foot can bring to a garment or project. Hurry in to get your Marking Foot, or if you prefer, Fringe Foot, today!
Love that jacket embellished with the Fringe/Marking Foot! |